Thursday, September 25, 2008

Practicing what I preach

This is a tough one at times. And yesterday I suddenly realized that I had stopped following my own advise. I had started to get sloppy with my daily breathing exercises and meditation. Twenty minutes of becoming still twice a day makes all the difference to how I feel and work; I am more focused, organized, creative and happier. So why had I stopped? Lazyness. This morning I started again and already achieved so much.

It is funny how we ‘self-sabotage’ again and again. Being good to ourselves with Food, exercise and behavior we often make 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. The good news is however that with increased awareness those sabotaging sprees become less and less and shorter.

So I am back on track breathing and meditating and writing.

How about you? Do you practice what you preach?
