Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Process ain’t sexy, but your business is in big trouble without it:

I like to share with you this article from Donald Cooper's Newsletter. Donald speaks internationally on management, marketing and innovations and is the champion of straight talking. Here is his take on the importance of process. If you want to know more about how Donald works you may like to visit www.donaldcooper.com

"Creativity and innovation are ‘hot topics’ right now. They’re all the rage, and
I applaud that. But, in the end, it’s boring, unsexy ‘process’ that actually gets
things done. Even ‘creativity’ is most often a process. Sometimes it’s just
dumb luck…but mostly not.

In fact, most successful companies have developed a disciplined ‘creative
process’ that delivers innovative products, more efficient operations,
consistent quality, employee safety and an amazing, perhaps even tailored,
customer experience.

'Process' is what keeps airplanes from falling out of the sky. It’s what makes
a Big Mac exactly the same in Montreal as it is in Moscow. Process is what
gets cars designed and made and gets a spacecraft launched and safely back
home. Process is what allows a hotel chain to know that you want a nonsmoking
room on a low floor, near the elevator, with a king size bed, foam
pillows and a USA Today at the door. Process is what gets priority luggage
onto the airport baggage carousel before all the other luggage. Okay, so
clearly that’s not the best example.

In fact, everything that happens between ‘intent’ and ’delivery’ is process. As
a business, you can have the greatest intentions in the world for your
customers and staff, for the environment and for your bottom line. But
without clear, effective and well-communicated processes, these wonderful
intentions will be just that…’intentions’.

To quote the late W. E. Deming, the internationally renowned authority on
quality and efficiency, "If you can't describe what you’re doing as a process,
you don't know what you’re doing."

So, exactly what is a process, anyway? Simply put, a process is…
1. An effectively communicated sequence of activities,
2. Supported by the necessary resources,
3. Designed to deliver a consistent, efficient and effective result,
4. To a specific standard.

OK, so it's not so simple. But that's what a process is...and there are no
shortcuts. Re-read the definition above and, while you're at it, rate your
business’ performance, on a scale of 1 to 10, on each of the four elements.
Then, using that info, determine what needs to be done to improve your

Friday, September 2, 2011

Leading Without A Title - Robin Sharma

In many ways, the whole idea behind Leading Without a Title is the democratization of leadership. Yes, positions are important to the smooth running of any organization (whether that organization is a business or a community or a family). Having said that, the new model of leadership (leadership 2.0) is all about every single stakeholder showing leadership in the work they do. This is really all about distributed leadership. Every single person who works within a business, for example, owns the responsibility of showing leadership at their craft. Every single teammate is the CEO of their own small business unit called their job.

Tactic #1: If you can’t lead yourself, you can’t lead others. We have no business leading others into greatness if our own personal lives are a train-wreck. Being successful in the game of life precedes great leadership. Face whatever personal issues you’ve been avoiding head on and clean up on all fronts.

Tactic #2: Never make anyone feel as if there isn’t room in the life boat. No matter the mistake, no matter what mile a person is at on their road to mastery, always be ready and willing to throw a life line – lend a hand, offer insight, donate your time, run out for coffee. The winners understand that strengthening capacity at every level, in every person, is the way to win.

Tactic #3: Watch Invictus. Clint Eastwood’s excellent and entertaining reminder of great leadership. Morgan Freeman performs as Nelson Mandela. The film, teaches us how to eloquently execute astonishing acts of forgiveness, compassion and moving upward when circumstances and people hold the potential to yank you into victimhood.

Tactic #4: Stay Strong “secure your oxygen mask first before assisting others.” Do you know where your oxygen comes from? Routine challenging exercise, healthy eating habits, sleeping deeply, and doing what makes me feel alive and excited is my oxygen. It’s what keeps me strong.

Refuse the lifestyle, the habits and the circumstances that weaken you. Great leaders don’t just own their full potential on the floor or in the field; they claim their potential in all domains of their life. You can’t be great in one arena and mediocre in another. Mistrust will sniff you out and turn you in. Make it an immediate goal to get connected with your oxygen supply.
Keep Leading Without A Title.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do you want Peace or Drama?

I am just re-reading Eckhart Tolle's book "A new Earth" and each time I read it I am in awe of his clarity and profound wisdom. If you have read the book then you will know what I am talking about. If you have not read it yet then I encourage you to do so.  Here is a small excerpt from "A new Earth", something that I am sure most of you can relate to.

Do you want Peace or Drama?  
You want Peace. There is no one who does not want peace. Yet there is something else in you that wants the drama, wants conflict. You may not be able to feel it at this moment. You may have to wait for a situation or even just a thought that triggers a reaction in you: someone accusing you of this or that, not acknowledging you, encroaching on your territory, questioning the way you do things, an argument about money....Can you then feel the enormous surge of force moving through you, the fear, perhaps being masked by anger or hostility? Can you hear your own voice becoming harsh or shrill, or louder and a few octaves lower?

Can you be aware of your mind racing to defend it's position, justify, attack, blame? In other words, can you awaken in that moment of unconsciousness? Can you feel that there is something in you that is at war, something that feels threatened and wants to survive at all cost, that needs the DRAMA in order to assert its identity as the victorious character within the theatrical production?
Can you feel there is something in you that would rather be RIGHT than at PEACE?  

When the EGO is at war, know that it is no more than an illusion that is fighting to survive. That illusion thinks it is you. It is not easy at first to be there as the witnessing Presence, especially when the ego is in survival mode or some emotional pattern from the past has become activated, but once you have had a taste of  it, you will grow in Presence power, and the ego will lose its grip on you.

And so a power comes into life that is far greater than the ego, greater than the mind.
All that is required to become free of the ego is to be aware of it, as awareness and ego are incompatible. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Peace Education - the way forward

On July 2nd and 3rd the Art of Living Foundation is hosting an Unforgettable Peace Festival in Berlin, bringing together 70.000 people from a 150 countries to take part in a historical event with musical and cultural contributions and a youth conference.

Why am I sharing this with you?
Because I love the idea and I am an Art of Living teacher. I have found their programs and work among the best I have seen.
Their vision of a violent free and stress free society is my vision too and I like to share just some of the events taking place in Berlin with you.

The Art of Living is one of the largest volunteer based NGOs engaged in world-wide peace education and humanitarian projects and they are celebrating their 30 year anniversary this year - www.worldculturefestival.org

Peace education involves the use of teaching tools designed to bring about a more peaceful society and achieve common goals. At its core, peace education emphasizes empowerment and nonviolence and involves building a democratic community, teaching cooperation, developing moral sensitivity, promoting self-esteem, and stimulating critical thinking.

Everyone is invited to participate and support the vision for a more peaceful tomorrow. Young and old will share their ideas of what could be done better.
And there will also be a lot of fun and colourful entertainment. Greece will contribute by bringing an Olive branch, an ancient symbol for Peace, from Delphi to the Berlin Olympic Stadium.

Come along on May the 21st and 22nd for a week-end in Delphi
and enjoy this beautiful site and a special ceremony with Greek dancers cutting the Olive tree branch. For more details s click this link

Beat to the rhythm of a world at peace:

Let the ancient sounds and spirit of Africa pulse through you as you join the rhythmic beat of hundreds of people drumming together for Human Values. Come together and drum to the beat of peace. No experience or musical talent necessary, just a passion for bringing an end to the violence.

The drumming will be led by professionals from South Africa who will lead you through your drumming journey, so no previous drumming or musical experience necessary. The drumming session will last for 10 minutes.

Youth FESTIVAL - Change Through Peace

The World Culture Festival aims to promote inter-cultural dialogue through the exchange of ideas, music, culture and fun. It is a platform for young people from around the world (from age 18-28) to express and showcase social entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and leadership on the issue of peace, intercultural harmony in diversity and peaceful change for the people and the planet.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Power of 2

Let me tell you a little bit about my family. I come from a line of strong women with high expectations and powerful opinions. The  thing growing up was that as the only girl surrounded by a grandmother, 2 aunts and my mom I received plenty of nagging but and more importantly I also received plenty of support – when it came to important things and decisions in my life I could do no wrong as far as they were concerned – and even if deep down they had their doubts – they always were supportive.
And so it seemed like a natural path that their ways rubbed off on me. But I did not realize how much until I had grown much older.
Many years ago  a friend of mine invited me to join her on a trip for the week end. In fact we were 4 – 2 guys and 2 girls. The second day of our trip to Wales we decided to go for a long hike across beautiful fields and suddenly the guys saw a mountain peak and decided to climb it – it wasn’t that high, but still from the down where we were it looked a daunting task. The guys went off shouting "see you on top"….my girl friend looked at me shocked ‘I am sorry there is no way that I can hike up that hill” no way ….she felt alone, she felt the power of ONE…..
Some years later, when I was already in Greece I decided to change my life and study shiatsu – sounded easy, but it turned out to be quite a daunting task – 3 years of anatomy, psychology, physiology, energy points and so forth ….and all in Greek and all new, we had to give long exams and one day one of the other girls came to me and she said "I think I will pack it in ….there is no way that I can learn this" – and she felt alone, she felt the power of one
And then there was the little boy from next door – 4 years old and riding his little bike. The day came when the parents decided to take of the support wheels and wanted him to learn riding the bike without them – but he got scared and he turned to me and said "Christiana I don’t want to go back on"….he felt alone he felt the power of one
However, the powerful women in my life had given me the gift of support and love and I had taken that gift and made it my own. Without realizing it at first supporting people came natural to me.
So when my friend said that she could not climb the mountain I was able to look at her and say, “don’t worry ….ignore the peak, lets take it one step at the time and lets see how far we get. I’ll be with you all the way and any time you want to stop we stop.” And you know what? SHE made it all the way to the top. When she realized that she had succeeded she jumped up and down and the only smile bigger then mine was hers. She could not believe that she had done it. – she no longer felt alone – she had felt the power of 2
And when in the shiatsu school my fellow student felt she was not able to continue I said to her “You are a great practitioner – lets help each other with the theory – lets study together and see each other through the difficult times.” And so we did – for the next 2 years we supported each other and were the first students to pass in the required time – we no longer felt alone – we felt the power of 2
And when the little boy said he did not want to get on the bike again I put my arms around him and hugged him tide. I said – “don’t worry, lets do it together – you sit on the bike and I will hold you – you can do it you will see” – and so he did and in time he started to feel more comfortable and eventually I could let go – he no longer felt alone – he had felt the power of 2
So whenever someone feels alone and needs encouragement or support, I will encourage them – and I have always been grateful for the people who have encouraged me.
You need number 2s – I need numbers 2s – we all do
I need number 2s when it’s time to keep going and finish what I started, I need no 2s when I am fearful to take the next step or when I doubt myself.
It’s good to accept help – and it’s good to give.
So I want to challenge you – Look around you next time you see someone who is struggling with something - maybe you decide to become their No 2.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Event of Athens Wing - Womens International Networking Group

Next Event February 5th Interactive marketing & Social Media’  and Cutting of the Vasilopita   
Social Networks and social media have grown enormously last years. But till now most companies don’t use the possibilities offered by the new media. In her speech Avra Lyraki will explain how interactive marketing works and how you can benefit from using social media. Her talk will be followed by the cutting of the Vassilopitta. 
After the break we will discuss ideas and plans for our 2011 program
Dr. Avra Lyraki  holds a PhD in Strategic Corporate Communications and has significant experience in Interactive Marketing and Public relations. She is a well experienced executive seminar instructor at American College of Greece, ALBA, and other associations.
Time: February 5th from 10.30 – 13.00hrs    Doors open at 10.00 and close at 10.40!                             Venue: Πολυχώρος Spring People, Agatharxou 12, 2nd floor – Psirri. (Close to Metro-station Monastiraki)  Click here for map 

Entrance is free for members.   Guest fee is 8 euro. Please confirm your attendance at:  info@athenswing.com 
Or call: 210 7658303 Celeste / 6937865887 Mikela