Friday, September 11, 2009

Find an expert to help you grow

The last few months have been busy with traveling, meeting new people and working on the development of my stress management business.

My focus has been on marketing. I wanted to learn more about it and become an expert at selling my services; after all, my product is great, the challenge is to communicate its benefits to the right people in the right way. I realised that I needed help and found one of the best in the market, Donald Cooper, an international renown speaker and coach. His practical, honest, down to earth approach to Human Marketing is inspiring; his presentations are entertaining and motivating.

I am learning from one of the best and I love it.

Do you need help in any area of your life or business? My advise: ask for help. Find the best in the field and ask for help. Too expensive? Write to the person of your choice and ask if you could work out a deal, a trade. Maybe you can offer something to them that they need and in return they will drop their fees? Or check for experts that are good and that you can afford at the same time. Don't give up. There is always a way and you will find it. None of us are experts in all areas of live and business. Finding the right support however makes growing and developing a lot more fun and easier.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dancing with the Stars

The time has come to look differently at the world, to really look.
What is out there? What do I see?
What am I looking for?
The vision is strong…communicating to thousands of people…
thousands you hear?
Shining, inspired, passionate, flying,
lifted by the message, carried by the wave.
Total emergence, total joy; at one with the universe,
out of place and out if time.

I know the feeling. I have been there.
This is being alive, totally vibrant and living.
A Vagabond of the world, a messenger from
beyond, consciousness expressing itself through me, the tool;
I am dancing with stars. My body is spirit.
The joy of being, the fun of seeing, the love of freeing the spirit,
a cosmic party, a heavenly celebration, dancing with the stars.

Christiane Pohl

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coaching your self by asking Questions

A new Year, a new month and this year I like to introduce you to one of the most powerful coaching tools – questioning your self.

Using questions as a coaching tool was first and foremost used by one of the greatest Coaches of all times – Socrates, the father of Western Philosophy. His approach of using questions to explore moral concepts and common believes came to be called the Socratic Method and is still one of the most popular teaching tools to help students develop critical thinking.

Here are 5 questions you may ask yourself to start of the year:

  1. If you were to live your Life the way you really like, what is the first change you would make?
  2. What do you want more of in your Life? (make a list)
  3. What do you want less of in your Life? (make a list)
  4. What would you try if you knew that you could not fail?
  5. What is the one thing you could change in the way you feel, act or live that would give you more peace?
...and some of Socrates Wisdom to inspire you

Socrates was considered a wise man, in fact the Oracle in Delphi declared him to be the wisest man of all. When Socrates heard this he was amused and curious at the same time. What did the Oracle mean? Was this a joke, a challenge? He decided to investigate. The following months he talked and questioned all the smart and influential men in Athens. He questioned them on their believes, their concepts and teachings…and by questioning them in his special way he revealed this: those men’s knowledge was very superficial, they did not really know what they proclaimed to know. And the worse part was that they did not realize it. So now he understood the Oracle’s declaration – He was wise, but only in so far as that he knew that he knew nothing.

- Convictions when held too tightly, blind us in a way that traps us within our own opinions. In other words, without the capacity to question our selves, the possibility of real thinking ceases. If we are not able to question our own ideas we cannot free ourselves from self-imposed limitations -

with my best wishes for 2009 and enjoy finding out more about your self!
