Saturday, March 1, 2008

Actions speak louder than Words

This known phrase came to me 2 weeks ago when I met with some Executives and Managers to ask their views on leadership qualities, challenges and training. In fact everyone had been on training courses and workshops on the subject and was very knowledgeable. The biggest problem seemed to lie in implementing what had been learned .

They clearly identified a gap between the actions and the words - the theory. I observed with interest how I myself was recognizing this gap. I realized that the leaders that moved and inspired me most were the ones that acted in line with what they were talking about before and during our meeting. In fact from the first moment of our contact their style became apparent. After our meetings, I soon forgot the details of their words, but their behavior, their actions stayed with me.

Speaking with so many different Managers and Leaders also moved me to look at my own actions once again and I realized how important it is for me to 'walk my talk'. I realized that when I am at my best I also open the door for the person or people around me to be at their best. So I asked myself what does it take for me to be at my best? Here is what I came up with:

I feel that I am at my best:

• When I am authentic, myself
• When I am motivated by caring rather than by fear
• When I am passionate about what I do
• When I am well prepared and clear about my intention

This has been a valuable lesson I re-learned and which helped me to re-commit myself to ‘walk my talk’ and add some daily self-coaching tools to help me stay on track.

What does it takes it for You you to be at your best? I invite you to give it some thought.

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