Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Doing work that Matters - Key Rules

Show up every day!

It's easy to get sidetracked, especially if you are self-employed, self-motivated and can take a break whenever you feel like it. I joined the 'small business, working too my own rules Club 10 years ago and the first rule I implemented was to show up every day. I decided on the time I would start and finish and the amount of hours I would put in.  
Showing up without fail I found to be Key Rule Number 1 for succeeding in any work that you undertake.

Key Rules number 2 and 3 for me are to develop a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve and to think big while taking one step at the time. Many people I observe act for the sake of acting. They seem to feel that as long as they are busy doing that their doing is meaningful. I have found that this attitude usually leads to investing a lot of energy for generating little results.

And key rule number 4 is to be persistent - meaning 'Don't Give UP!'. Whatever happens learn, improve, adjust, re-invent yourself and keep on going. Yes, reflecting is a must. But if you feel that what you are passionate about, what you are doing is IMPORTANT then keep on going.


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