Sunday, December 2, 2012

9 traits of Successful People

So what is the first trait that successful people have in common?

1.Passion – Do it for the love, the money will follow
Synergize mind, emotions, spirit – be genuine and caring
2.Hard Work - they say it’s all hard work but they have a lot of fun. Most successful people are Workafrolics

3.Get Good – Put your nose down and Get good at it – think win,win – sets example for others, walk the talk and practice what you preach

4.Persistance – Be proactive – go beyond your comfort zone – you will need to persist through failure, criticism, rejection, Fears, doubt, pressure  and annoying people around you – but there is no other way they say
5.Focus – Focus on one thing at a time, don’t try to do too many things at once – be alert – begin with the end in mind
6.Ideas - seek to understand rather then be understood, Listen, Observe, be curious
7.Serve – serve other something of value to your customers, your employees, your colleagues, the community
create leaders rather then followers
8.Making Money – Invite it, plan for it, it but don’t obsess about it
9.Awareness – get to know yourself – your strength, your weakneses, your motivations, fears and predjudice and then look at it all and
That’s it. Those are the 9 traits most commonly cited by successful people. That’s how they do it. And so can you. Good luck!

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