Sunday, August 8, 2010

Clean Greece - No Butts on Beaches!

It's Monday and that means action is required. Sunday is the "I don't have to do a thing" day for me but Monday calls for focus, decision making, scripting the day, the week, the future. Writing down a few lines of what I want to do helps me to stay on track. I keep my script on my computer and update it each day - leaves me with a sense of achievement.

Back to my 'Clean Greece' project. I decided to create a separate block for this one (tomorrow) and to start with one challenge at the time. 365 days to get all Greek citizens to participate in

'No Cigarette Butts on our Beaches'!!

First step: checking which Cigarette Companies have offices here in Greece and approaching them with my idea. As I already have the prototype of the
Butt holder I should generate some interest in my project. Lets see. I'll keep you updated.

my best wishes for a great week!

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